In 2018, the Dutch ministry of Defense is leaving the Marineterrein (Navy Yard) in Amsterdam. This means that 13 hectares of land will be released in the heart of the city. The idea of the stakeholder team (the Dutch government, municipality…
In 2018, the Dutch ministry of Defense is leaving the Marineterrein (Navy Yard) in Amsterdam. This means that 13 hectares of land will be released in the heart of the city. The idea of the stakeholder team (the Dutch government, municipality…
SPcitI is working together with the team of the Atelier Rijksbouwmeester and the Municipality of Amsterdam on developing a set of strategic “spatial starting points” (Nota van Uitgangspunten) for the future of the Marineterrein, a historical site in the heart of Amsterdam. The goal is…
Leidraad adaptief ontwikkelen has just been published. Written by Peter van Assche (bureau SLA), Marieke Berkers en Vincent Kompier for Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam, the document investigates the choice for adaptive development as a model based on core values that is…