Spatial, Programmatic and Economic Redevelopment Strategy


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan | 2014 – on going

The regeneration of municipal libraries in Bishkek project fosters community building and  generates livelihoods improvement opportunities on a large scale.

Dating back to the Soviet period, most of the 28 libraries are at present out-dated, and hardly being used. Renewal of these libraries is a shared ambition of the government and several organizations, as well as some important local entrepreneurs interested in investing in the city. They all partake in the vision for development in collaboration with the population to cater to their needs. Together with the local NGO Urban Initiative, SPcitI is supporting and advising the process towards the development of pilot projects.

The pilot projects are  set to be innovative references addressing the areas of education, culture, communication and small services in the community such as kinder-gardens or co-working spaces. The libraries and their development play an important role in the ongoing democratisation process of the country experiencing an increasing urban growth, in which education and knowledge are a priority. Eventually, the transformation of the former Soviet libraries into mixed-use centres running on an independent business model could boost the initiation of similar projects by other initiative takers.



  • 2014 scoping mission
  • 2015- on going advice at distance