The economic department of the city of Amsterdam (EZ) has officially published ‘Ruimte voor de economie van morgen’ (Space for the Economy of Tomorrow). This policy document contains the spatial economic building blocks for the growth of the city, and is complementary to ‘Koers 2025‘, the municipality housing policy plan to build 50,000 homes by 2025.
In fall 2016, at the request of the Municipality of Amsterdam, SPCitI has scrutinized 11 national en international best practices looking at mixed-use productive projects/areas. This comparative study is published as a booklet ’11 stories’ along with the ‘Ruimte voor de economie van morgen’ policy document. The study highlights 9 specific themes such as collective values and the Next Economy and points out 6 spatial and strategic principles.
Download ’11 Stories’ from the municipality website on which you can also find the full policy document (in Dutch).